Thursday, December 11, 2008
esok quiz...
nk balik rmh..huhu
esok mls,mls,mls..huhu
Sunday, December 7, 2008
feel lyke crying now..
i 'LOST' almost rm400 yesterday at the spring..
gile tul...
eheh..lost at sony shop,soxworld n body glove...
i bought a mp3, NWD-E023F model...huhu
sedeynye...but it's so cute..hardly can stop my eyes staring at d sony shop..
2-3 times i stopped there then finally i grabbed d cute pink stuff..
adeyh....then, i bought gifts for my beloved adik (forgot to wish him..yesterday) n kakak tersayang (rahsia2..hehe)..
thinking of getting my money back frm those 'peminjam2'..hehe
tp xpelah...xkesah pun bile diorg nk bayar as long as i knw they're gonna pay me back ONE DAY..
Friday, November 28, 2008
thank u ayah!!
yesterday i've received another parcel from ayah..
n guess wut, i gt new handphone from him..hehs
so excited since my old hp already broken..jatuh frm my double-decker bed..the speaker pecah n of coz i cannt hear any voice when some1 calls me..huhu
he bought me a sony ericsson hp..walkman model..d model is already out-dated but still..really appreciate it as i really need one now,so, of coz i wont even bother about d model n all..hehs
thank u ayah!!!!
but it doesnt cause so much pain like previous infection dat i had last tyme..d otitis externa..
whoa...i dunno how i get dis king of ear infection..probably frm d wet lab..
or me myself 'harvest' d strep.pneumoniae in my body..
i'm so immunocompromised...
Thursday, November 20, 2008
i miss my bebe..
i miss my frens..auni,picka..n those other close frens..
i miss am..huhu
rse nk lari je frm sini..
nsib baik jauh, kalau tak...huhu
sgt pening kpla..
pbl xsiap lagi..huhu
nk tido~
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
lymph nodes..hehe
der was a demonstration from prof.dr. henry on how to examine n inspect patient..
as regard to dis block, we're taught on how to examine lymph nodes..
there're 6 regions of lymph nodes that we had to know n learn but he juz showed 3 of the which were cervical n supraclavicular, epitrochlear and axillary.
after giving his short lecture, he asked for a volunteer, d boys of course as he wanted to show how actually d examining thing is,imagine la,for sure d volunteer had to take off his cloth..hehe free show..not really a 'free show'..juz exposed the upper body..hehs
waiting..waiting..nobody came out so dr lela asked alex to be d man..chey..shy guy.
he refused n mat jadi lela, "ok, i want the handsome guy at d back,plz come forward"..hiks
poor mat..hiks but he got extra marks for his continuous assessment u knw..haha best2..if d girls can also volunteer,dat girl will be ME...hehheh
he was so cute wif his baby-liked hair..bald..suke!!!
hoho..but excuse me..i dun admire him k..
but i knw der're girls who are so into him..eiiuww..sori girls!!!he's owned already..hehe come d best part..taking off his shirt..hiks
anis was so jahat..she said 'stripper..stripper'..hahah
kesian mat..he blushed tau..hahaha
after d axillary examination,he quickly wore his shirt kesian..pity him..hiks
i dun get y guys are so shy when they have to take off their shirt..
they have nothing to be shown la..hiks
or kamek salah?hehe
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
new block..
but can't help myself to plug in the cable..huhu
juz finished watching harry potter..d azkaban one..adeyh
membazir masa but no!!hehe come i've missed dis azkaban episode..done wif d potter thing.. is my ayah's bufday..
juz wished him..huhu
criuzly i feel a lil' bit ackward while talking wif him..
Sunday, November 16, 2008
'kapala'ku pusing...
i did badly especially in MCQ and BAQ papers..
quite frustrated as i know i can do better..
is just like i dun have enough preparation..
i know what the questions are all about but i cannot remember the facts that i've memorized before..huhu
hoping and wishing that i can pass the test..
Thursday, October 23, 2008
otitis externa..
kena ear infection...
dah 5 mlm sik dapat tido lena..
ada jugak org nk teman..*wink*
i went to see Dr Lee at fmhs's clinic last monday..
she gave me paracetamol and asked me to buy ear antibotic,chloramphenicol.. helped me to find it at SGH pharmacy..
she was the one who helped me with the dropping too..
nye sik percaya kat kamek..hehe
every six hour she came and dropped the antibiotic..
i couldnt sleep for almost a week...
i didnt even touch books..
exam nk dekat..
last time, EOB nak dekat, kne infection jugak...huhu
mmg dugaan..
Friday, October 17, 2008
tak nak balik~
i don't wanna go back to kuching..
penat laa...sgt mls nk belajar jugak...huhuhu
Thursday, October 16, 2008
raya yang biasa je..
persiapan raya macam biasa la..
tapi tahun ni tak seronok sangat..
tok baru meninggal (kat pekan,sebelah mak)
sedih la..tak rasa meriah macam dulu..
lepas sembahyang raya, kami pergi ziarah pusara tok..
lepas tu balik rumah..nak bergambar kononnye..
sekali ramai pulak org datang..
tak sangka pula ramai yang nak datang sebab arwah tok dah tak da..
masak pula sikit..adeyh..
nasib baik la cukup..
keluarga kamek tak pergi beraya macam dulu la..
singgah kejap kat rumah moyang..
kamek melantak kat situ sebab tak sempat makan kat rumah tadi..habis..huhu
lepas tu pegi kg.belimbing, raya kat sana kejap..
then straight tu k.lipis...
sampai malam...lepas solat, kamek tido terus..mengantuk.
esok tu, kami tak pergi beraya pun macam dulu-dulu..berjalan beraya.
pergi rumah pokde je..lepas tu balik semula rumah tok..
petang tu balik kuantan..
sebelum tu bergambar la..hehe
erm..tahun ni memang kamek rasa lain sangat..
kami sekeluarga tak beraya pun..maksudnya tak pergi rumah-rumah yang kami selalu pergi bila raya..kamek pun tak tau kenapa.
kamek rasa mak dah takda 'mood' nak beraya..
sebelum ni memang dia yang beriya ajak pergi raya..semua orang WAJIB pergi sekali..
tapi tahun ni takda..
masa pergi ziarah kubur arwah tok..
adik laki kamek menangis..
dia bagitau kamek yg dia masih terkilan sebab tak sempat jumpa arwah tok masa dia tengah sakit kat hospital..
kamek pun rasa terkilan jugak..
kami berdua je yang tak sempat jumpa..
kamek sedih sebab kamek tau arwah tok koma dekat hospital tapi tak dapat nak pergi melawat..takda sapa nak bawak kamek kat matrik masa tu..
bukan xda orang..mak kamek yg tak bagi sebab takut kamek tak boleh fokus belajar.masa tu tengah 'study week'..minggu depan final exam..
setiap solat kamek menangis..kamek doa semoga tok sembuh.minggu yang sangat menyedihkan..dugaan betul masa tu.hari ahad tu mak dah janji nak bawa kamek jumpa tok tapi tak sempat..tok meninggal dunia dalam pukul 1 pagi..
bayangkan..esok tu kamek ada kertas matematik n b.inggeris(essei)..pagi ahad tu kamek balik kampung..sampai je mak peluk kamek..
kamek sedekah bacaan yassin..sebak sangat sampai tak boleh baca satu ayat pun.
masa nak mandikan arwah tok,kamek tak tahan sangat..kamek menangis teruk.
tersedu-sedu..sampai kamek keluar dari bilik tu..
duduk dalam bilik..adik laki kamek pun menangis teruk sebab dia tak tahu apa-apa masa tu..
it was the saddest day ever happen in my life..losing one of my family member.a close one..
Friday, October 10, 2008
tak sedar diri lagi..
kamek sik baca lagi tentang breast cancer..
next week ada formative assessment..and esok tu ada quiz..hoho
sik baca lagi..huhu
Saturday, October 4, 2008
12.37 am.
Sitting outside with my cu mek, syida and a’an..
Cu mek is marking her students’ economy essays. Syida and a’an are busy with their handphones..
And not forgetting the nyamuk that keep biting us..haih
Tomorrow I’ll be heading to klia..alone. uwaa..sik mahu balik..
Now I can feel that how short the raya break is..NOT ENOUGH!!TOO SHORT!
But I enjoy myself very much..
There’re lots of thing to tell here..
Start from the day I went back to kuala lipis..
That Sunday morning, we took off early as ayah wanted to buy some daging kerbau for aki,his father,our grandfather..We stopped by at pasar tani temerloh.
kamek pun suka mkn..hehe beli sayur..mee hailam untuk berbuka..
tp susah nk edit pulak..
gambar tak pernah menipu kn..hehe
lepas dah 'shopping' kat situ, kami bertolak terus ke k.lipis..
dekat 3 jam lebih la juga..jauh kan..
tapi, ok lagi la daripada dulu, kami kena naik keretapi tanah melayu,ktm, tu...
berebut-rebut tempat takde la sampai naik atas bumbung keretapi tu..
2-3 tahun lepas tu, jalan dah bukak tapi kena lalu kat ladang getah yg berbukit-bukit tu..
scary kan?
sudah ada HIGHWAY..kamek bangga menjadi rakyat Malaysia walaupun belum berbakti apa-apa kepada negara tercinta..hehs patriotik..
kamek la mula dulu..hehe ingatkan nak baring-baring je.
hari panas tapi tu memang perkara biasa la kat situ.
rumah papan..memang panas..
turun bawah je kena sindir dengan mak kamek..hahahah
tolong-tolong la apa yg patut kat dapur tu..
nak masak mee hailam..dah lambat masa tu..kelam-kabut jadinya..

malam tu, along,sepupu kamek, anak pak long balik..
naik kereta api dari gua musang kot..kamek sik tau dari mana tapi dari kelantan la kot..hehe
along n tok tengah tumbuk kerisik..
i'm home!!
I’m alone now, all by myself from kuching..huhu
Sedih btul..but I’m quite bersyukur as I dun face any difficulty throughout the journey.. I’m at klia..waiting for my flight to kuantan at 10.10 pm..
Waa!! Tak sabar nk balik rumah..serius..
At about 8.30 pm, I arrived at klia.
It was a not-very-good journey but I still enjoyed it.
My seat, window side, was taken by a little boy..
Couldn’t remember his name..aiyakk
Sumthing like akmal bin Ibrahim sumthing
budak berperut besar..
Lepas kfc mkn roti, then ape ntah lagi..2 ketul ayam lak tu..
Then we were served nasi ayam masak merah/ayam masak kurma..
Dia mkn jugak tp nasib baik sikit je..
Dh mkn tu gi berak lak..xbley blah tul budak tu..
Sabar jela tadi..byk songeh..xduduk diam langsung..
“Umi..umi..” hoho..menguji kesabaranku yang sedang menahan mengantuk yang teramat sgt..
Faham-faham jela kan macam mane org mengantuk ni..tapi kamek sabar je.
Sepanjang perjalanan yg mengambil masa lebih kurang 1 jam 40 minit tu, 3-4 kali abang-abang ‘hensem’ kakak-kakak ‘cantik’ datang melawat kamek..caring betul..rimas kamek dibuatnye..
Rupa-rupanye, ade pembantu budak tu tekan remote panggil steward/stewardess..
Patutla kamek tiba-tiba jadi ‘anak emas’ kat dlm airbus tu..haih
Bernafas kamek kembali lepas dh kluar frm airbus tu.
Bila la nk masuk plane ni….
11.30 pm..
Yeay!!! i’m home!!!
Lambat sikit sbb beg kamek lambat kluar..adeyh pnat tunggu.
Sampai kat rumah, salam-salam dengan akak, syida n mamat..
Kamek terkejut tgk blackie..gemuk..neo pun dah besar..tapi kurus..
Bebe sik ada..berjalan la tu..huhu
Sampai-sampai je rumah..Kamek lapar..layan nasi beriyani..syok ar..walaupun kat kuching dulu slalu gi mamak..Amma Curry..kuning badan makan..kunyit je.
Okeh..mengantuk suda..chioa!!
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
foundation block
1st block is the foundation block..
the 1st year students are introduced to subjects, not exactly called subjects, that we're required to learn..
kamek sgt la pemalas..
ingat rumah je..
belajar pun lebih kurang jer.
main je banyak..huhu
i sit at the last row in the lecture hall everyday..
sleep during lecture..
focus?terbang ntah mana2..
miss home..huhu
ada dua kuiz sebelum eob,end of block, examination..
apartment 216~
paling popular..
paling bersih..
5 kali berturut-turut menang pertandingan kebersihan..mantap tak?hehe
ada 4 bilik..A,B,C, dan D.
bilik A penghuninya k.ainun and atul
bilik B, k.wan and putri
bilik C, k.nani and k.sue
bilik D k.fid and kamek..
k.fid,k.ainun,k.wan n k.nani are the 5th year students
k.sue d only 4th year student..
kamek,atul n putri..1st year baru..
senior best!!!hehe
sgt baik..
sgt baik..sgt baik..
this year, i'm the apartment leader..hohoho
layak ke?
anda yg tentukan..hehe
ok jer..hehe
the main campus is situated in Kota Samarahan..
my faculty, faculty of medicine and health science,fmhc, is isolated frm the main campus..
yeah!!we stay in kuching town...senang sikit la..
saturday, 28th of june 2008
pertama kali datang sarawak..
not in the mood at all..
pertama kali naik kapal terbang..
no excitement was shown..
tak tahu la nak cakap macam mane..
merajuk abes la kan..
sampai kat kuching international airport, senior dah tunggu..
naik van..pergi fakulti..
pergi hantar barang kat apartment..
besar la..selesa..sik ada aircond je..hehe
solat..kemas barang..
pastu jumpa my room-mate.. senior,year 5..
k.fid yg cute..
special post about k.fid..later la..
dia bawa kami pergi satok..
busy place..crowded.
hari minggu..biase la.
jalan-jalan kat situ..
beli sandal sebab kamek sik bawak sandal..
petang tu..mak n ayah tinggalkan kamek..huhu
mereka balik hotel.
esok tu kamek jumpa balik kat satok..
jalan-jalan lagi..
ayah beli terubuk masin..
banyak woo...
mak beli kek lapis...
daripada satu beg, dah bertambah jadi 3beg..
rupa-rupanya..mereka pergi waterfront dah..
syok betul..
nasib baik sarawak ni besar..
tak pegi sarikei lagi..hehe
kat situ lagi syok..
petang ahad tu..
mak ayah balik..huhuhuhu
kamek sedih sgt sampai tak boleh nak menangis..
Saturday, September 27, 2008
mataku bengkak..
now i'm studying at UNIMAS,kuching,sarawak..
boleh agak kn nape..huhu
my parents had made decision for me..they wanted me to stay in malaysia..
i was really..really..really upset.
penat tau 3 minggu pulun abes nk bagi lepas entrance exam tu..
n lagi satu mahal tau nk dpt seat for entrance exam tu..
they didn't care bout d money but i p/s: kata2 org kedekut
hari tu sgt la menyedihkan..
gaduh ngan mak..teruk sgt.
lebih2 lagi dia tak bagi kamek pegi my batch gathering..mula2 bagi.
pastu tak bagi..gile punye sedih la mase tu sbb dh bayar n xsabar sangat nk jumpe my friends..
rindu sgt kt diorg..huhu
kamek duk dlm bilik..xkluar.
menangis je..whole day.mmg bengkak mata..
1st time menangis smpai mcm tu..mmg xpnah lgsg menangis teruk mcm tu..
n ade lg satu yg menyedihkan..tu kamek xnk cite..abaikan.
serius..kamek mmg xboleh terima la ape yg my parents buat tu..
mak marah2 tp ayah kat side kamek..
nasib baik..ayah kesian kat kamek..hehe
2-3 hari tu kamek mmg xboleh tido..haish..xtau la cmne..
sampai hati mak campak kamek ke sarwak..huhu
minggu nak pegi unimas tu mmg busy sgt..
nk kena siapkan sume2 mende..
penat tul..
sakit hati pun ada..
tp kamek senyap je..
as usual la..
blackie n babies tu wat kamek hepi..hehe
p/s:minggu tu jgk ada surat saman sampai..kamek trus bukak sbb takot..hehe
mmg tu surat saman kamek..adeyh
hari yg kamek bengang ngan adik kamek tu...hoho
sori ayah..
see..ade hikmahnya~
last night room-mate kamek,k.fid,komen blog..hehe
nye madah dlm blog kamek ade perkataan srwk 'kamek' je..hahah
rilek dulu..kamek still in learning state..sik tau byk vocab srwk..hiks
tau tak rcmp?royal college of medicine perak..kt ipoh.
kamek apply sinun juak lepas dpt result matrik..pointer?secret..hehe tp better than expected la..but not good enough..ok la..syukur2.
erm kat kolej tu..ok self-sponsored.huhu
yuran for whole year, 250k..hoho
kamek gi interview..2 kali pegi ipoh dan dua kali la hatiku disiat-siat...huhuhu abaikan.
lepas interview..kamek teringat pasal result entrance exam tu..
mse tgh breakfast, kamek call pn.habsah,the guardian kt kolej sentral..hehe
nye madah kamek passed the exam...
waa!!!!mse tu mmg..hoho..xtau nk ckp ape..hepi sgt lah..hehe
ni sambungan..
tak lama lepas tu..keputusan ke ipta pulak kluar..
kamek sik amek kesah la sbb dh set in mind nk pegi indon..dan lagi satu kamek tak rase dgn result kamek yg biase2 saje tu boleh melayakkan kamek continue study in medicine at any local university..
kamek mintak derq,kwn baik kamek, check my upu result...
surprisingly, i did make it to unimas..medicine..
okey..kamek xde perasaan langsung mase tu..biase2 saje.but derq, she was the one who got excited..pening..pening..
few days later, i received a letter from rcmp..
it was an offer letter..
same as before, heartless..
my mind was filled by the excitement of going to usu..
Friday, September 26, 2008
kolej sentral~
jom2..sambung cite..hehs
a week after exam..kamek gi kolej sentral..
dpt offer amek test..lupe la nme test tu..
qualification test la lbey kurang nk masuk usu..universitas sumatera utara,medan,indonesia..
3 weeks duk sana..
datang2 trus masuk chem class..
nasib baik baru lpas abes exam,so no problem la..
terkejut kamek sbb kena blajar bahasa indon..adeyh
pening kpla..awal2 mmg mengeluh abis la..
budak2 kat situ pun kerek je..tak bley blah ar tgk muka diorg..
sakit ati sabar je..i still can survive..heheh
tan mmg baik la..dia bgtau class kul bape n all..
sepanjang 3 minggu tu mmg study habis2 sbb i thot it was my last chance to get into medical field..after my final exam, i became pessimistic..i kept assuming that i'll get a bad result..hoho
lagi sdey bile dpt tau ade kawan2 yg dh dpt offer mara..confirm la result kamek teruk sbb xdpt pun offer tu..
there,i met iqa..kmph student also..but i never knew her..hehs
dalam apartment tu we were the only students who took the test,the others were our junior..hehe they were under the usu matriculation.
tak lama lepas sis masuk situ..
duk dlm satu apartment..adeyh
xbley blah tul minah tu..
since she came there, satu rumah bising..pagi2 lagi nk memekak..
haih..sakit hati punye psl,i packed 2-3 clothes n started the engine car..blah from situ,balik rumah mokde kat temerloh..
i was really mad at her..
sampai kat rmh mokde, i called mak n she was angry at me..benci tul la..
i am..hehe
duk kat situ dlm 4 hari kot..
wat bbq lagi..hahah
and blajar physics with cousin
cakap pasal fizik...
i really HATE PHYSICS...hoho
best tp sebab tak faham tu jadi la xbest..
tp mse kne blajar tu, kamek tak mengeluh pun..
n xtau npe kamek mmg blajar btul2 la..learn by heart lagi tu..hiks
tiba-tiba je dlm hati...SUKA LA FIZIK.. p/s: sbb faham kan..tu yg suke..
haa..kamek dh ingat..
nme exam tu is entrance exam..
the day had came...we went to um.
bertolak kul 4 am..
ngantuk seyh tp xbley tido sbb takot..
bukak buku lagi mse dlm van tu..
smpai kl,jam..adeyh
si driver tu bising2...n yg plg bestnye..dia xtau jln nk gi um..
bape kali ntah pusing2 kat tempat yg sama..wat u-turn haram lagi..malu..malu..hehe
smpai kat sana..ok la.
n yg plg best...exam tu dlm english..yeah!hehe
ok la..i dun expect that i did well..alhamdulillah
puas hati la..then our penjaga,ustazah habsah nk pegi central market..
layan jela..
bosan nk mampos...iqa dh balik..hhuh
that night..i went back to rmh mokde with syamil..
i followed his car as scared driving alone..
mana tak takot..kiri kanan ladang klapa sawit..ngeri2..
mlm tu hujan lebat gile lak tu..xnmpak jalan langsung..
si syamil lak bwk laju..mentang2 la dia drive rexton..kamek bwk kelisa yg cumel tu je..
dlm hati..taik tul mamat ni..
nsb baik dia on emergency light bagi kamek nampak jalan kt depan..trimas..trimas..
sampai kt junction maran..dia belok kiri sbb nk balik kuantan..kamek pegi kanan sbb nk gi temerloh..membebel mokde sbb kamek balik mlm tu jugak..biase la..kamek degil sket..kamek tau dia risau..hehe
esok tu kamek balik kuantan ngan kakak kamek,wana..
smpai kat rumah..mak bagi surat..mcm penting je,kamek terus gi post office..
dpt je surat..kamek nangis trus.
tau nape?sbb kamek dpt offer mara interview tu hari tu jgk..sedey nye..
terlepas dh..
balik je rumah,mak bebel2 sbb she already asked ayah to claim the letter but ayah refused..
when he knew it was an offer from mara, his face changed..
erm..xpe la..mungkin ade hikmah.
it's ok ayah..i still love was just a letter~
Thursday, September 25, 2008
hectic life?
nak study..tomorrow ade pathology tutorial..
i dun wanna be d one who juz sit there and sengeh2 xtau apa-apa...malu ar..
kmph...bosan la..kat dalam hutan.sgt ssh nk kluar pegi town..
kesian kat students tau..
kamek xkesah sbb mak kamek slalu datang tiap-tiap minggu..
and kamek slalu balik...hehehe
i dun really know the students there..
malas nak kenal..
tapi mestilah kenal my room-mates and classmates..everyday jumpa..
fina,ilah and filzah..they're nice..
my classmates pun ok lah eventhough tak berapa rapat sgt..
xkesah la..we still keep in touch untill now..baik2 comment..hehe
takde ape yg seronok dekat matrik..
2nd semester i moved to my friend's school-mate..
secara HARAM..who cares..lantak la kan...
she was great especially in biology..
so i took the chance to learn from her..
kat situ kamek jumpe geng sekepala...mai n pijah..
mai yg rock..pijah yg baik hati..hehe
four of us always together though mai n pijah were in the physics stream.
i really enjoyed my 2nd semester in that room..
xbley blah especially that ONE NIGHT...during our study exam..gile.
xstudy whole night atas sebab-sebab tertentu yang hanya kami saja tau..hahaha
final examination...
i did badly in my chemistry and math..
a day before my math n english papers, my beloved grandmother passed away..
i cudnt think well...sgt sdey n terkilan sbb xsempat jumpe dia..nobody wanted to bring me to the hospital..terkilan sgt2.
dh habis...
sgt penat sbb kena bersihkan 2 rooms in one time..
ulang-alik naik tangga..
sape suh pindah2 kan..heheh
xkesah pun...
pija nangis teruk bila kamek nak balik dh..
takot tak jumpe lg katanye...
now she's studying in ump..kat pahang lagi..dekat dgn rumah kamek tp kamek lak merantau jauh sampai sarawak..haih.
ok..tu je..not really hectic..bosan la duk matrik..
Friday, August 15, 2008
xde masalah pun if people know what's in ur mind kan..
9.20 keterampilan class will start at 10..sgt mls nk pegi..bosan sgt.huhu last time mcm pegi motivation course dak darjah layan jela since mdm ong sgt bersemangat..hehe
27th balik!!!yeay!!!can't wait..mlm pun xpela..
i'm going home alone..dunno how i'm gonna survive ALONE at the airport..esp KLIA.xbiase laa.
takot seyh..takot wat salah..tertinggal flight lak nnt..adeyh
1st time balik sorg2...terpakse since i'm d only budak kuantan in my batch..
xknal senior lagi..haih..susah2..
xpe..biase la..1st time mesti ade je mende xkena..kite tgk jela nnt..
erm..tomorrow ade tutorial..pathology..
susah seyh..actually tak susah tp....
tu la BIG problemnye...
i do understand all the mechanism n all but i need time to memorize those facts..aiyakk..
mls sebenarnye..
see..i'm blogging now..haha..
i have the note in front of dari tadi duk kat 1st page lagi..since kul 7 lagi..
TERUK..TERUK..i know..
dh nak balik laa..body je kat sini..soul kat rumah dh..xsabar sgt nk balik..serius.
xboleh blajar dh..HOMESICK!!
teruknye perangai..
xtau la cmne nk survive stay far away from home..from mak n ayah..from my babies..bebe,blackie n neo....from my siblings..xsgt kot..hahaha
kuching xde la jauh tp sgt susah nk balik..pegi balik kne amek 4 flight..mahal la.
kesian ayah..dia xkesah tp kamek kesah kena kedekut utk survive..huhuhu
erm..kamek tak manja ni mmg peramgai kamek..mengade kot..saje gedik2.hehe
kamek sik suke duk jauh dri rumah..kamek cepat homesick..
kalau tension,kamek ske balik rmah..duk ngan mak..borak2 ngan mak..
now dh SGT jauh..kamek takot xdpt stay here until year 5..NIGHTMARE tu~
dulu kamek blajar kat seremban..after 3 years, i wanted to quit frm that school.
i hate staying there..not because of the teachers,seniors or friends..i juz wanted to stay at home..
gaduh betul dgn mak sbb dia xnk kamek kluar..
pemberontakan berlaku...
naik f4 kamek xstudy pun..main-main..escape class..tipu cikgu @ warden..
kamek slalu balik rmh gune mc tipu..1st time kamek failed dlm exam..addmaths..failed..gile tul..
but i dun care..i juz wanted to get out frm there..benci sgt.
naek f5,kamek trun klass..3rd class trus..mantap habis..
nyesal ade..sdey pun spe suh wat hal kan..
tahun tu mmg pulun habis la sbb spm candidate..hehe
tp xsempat..mmg susah sgt3..
my spm result teruk..malu tul.
tp syukur la tak teruk sgt..
kamek still dpt offer from upm..asasi pertanian.
but kamek tolak sbb xnak duk jauh from family..
i've decided to go to kmph..kolej matrikulasi pahang which is situated in gambang..
20 minutes from my house..hehe seronok habis...
every week kamek balik..syok habis..
k lah..nnt kamek sambung cite kat matrik..hehe