ni saje je nak bengang2..xde kaitan dgn hidup aku pun..
tapi cam xpuas hati je bile dgr kwn baik sendri yang kena...
yang bestnye..laki tu cam alim je..nmpak la yang dia tu berAGAMA since nowadays laki mostly perangai tak betul kn..
haih...xtau la nak percaya ke tak laki sekarang ni..
xtau nak cari yang mcm mne dh..
tau ilmu agama pun perangai still mcm Set*n (tipu2 n permainkan org..mcm mr.s la kn??)..hehe
Friday, February 19, 2010
Sunday, July 12, 2009
buddy 2~
orientasi year 1 mmg best..
best kenakan diorg..hahahaha
hari sabtu (the last day of orientation) kitorg set games for them..organized by taufiq.
firdaus, naqib, patrick, azhar,hanis & aku jaga station 9 kat susur gajah..
at first memaang bosan la sebab kitorg xtau nak wat game ape..
malam before tu baru kitorg decide nak buat game ala2 regu..
pagi sabtu tu, aku & firdaus berperah otak la tulis situation yang mengarut habis, tak tercapai akal la konon nye..hehe
tapi dak station lain dh prepare the same game as us..adeyh
dua groups yang awal2 datang kat station kitorg memang selamat la..
bagi soalan pasal menteri kt malaysia,kabinet 2009 punye..ahaha
aku pun xtau sapa...kira mantap la budak yang dapat jawab..
p/s: takkan budak medic nak mengadap buku je kot.pasal negara sendiri pun tak tau..memalukan...nasihat untuk aku jugak yang macam katak dalam tempurung sekarang sebab main source xde which is the TV!!!..huhhu
station kat susur gajah memang xbest...hoh!!
kitorg pindah kat parking lot..besar sikit..baru kembang cereberum kitorg..hiks
masa ni sorang-sorang tumbuh tanduk..weheheh
paling kejam si firdaus n patrick...best..suke..hahahh
group yang datang lepas tu memang kena teruk la..
masa tu shareezan hoklai (my grand buddy,5th year 09-10) ada join skali..
task diorg kena bagi si mamat tu puas hati ngan cheer song diorg..ntah ape2 je..
puas la nk nyanyi sampai 2-3 kali..siap kena baling+jirus air lagi.yang best nye aku pun kena skali..firdaus ampes!!
aku bet la mesti student kat hostel ngamuk gile kitorg memekak kat bawah..
aku memang suke la si patrick baling air..
before baling, dah get ready ngan air dlm cebok.
kejar dengan semangatnye..yeaaaahhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!
air tinggi je macam ribut taufan....fuhhh!!!!!
gile mantap la baling...cam main besbol...tp...
sorang budak pun tak kena...hahhahah
firdaus lak cam singa je..pecah cetong (bahasa firdaus..hahahhahahaha,pecah perut gelak) yang aku pinjam from izzah..nasib baik ganti baru dah.
teruk jugak la kiotrg kenakan year 1...xde dah main regu...sume diorg jawab laju je..
haha..memang ampes. apa daa...xtercapai akal konon..malu aku.
station 9 memang teruk la...
habis basah semua orang..group yang nak lalu kat tepi pun takut woooo....
patrick & naqib kejar ngan mentera "semangat..semangat..semangat"...gerun..GERUN!!!
hari tu aku memang tunggu masa la nak mengenakan izwan (my buddy)..
lama gila tunggu..tanduk sorang2 dah semeter panjang..memang jadi "hantu air"dah masa tu..pastu cun2 je group buddy aku datang ...huishh!!!!!mantap tul...
haa...amek kau..memang aku tunggu2 la..
ni video diorg..
p/s:sorry la buddy..kau memang malang la dapat aku..hehe
buddy atas kau (awi-3rd year 09/10 and shareezan) pun sekepala je...hiks k.kam baik kot..hehe
aku rasa station kiotrg paling kejam+jahat+teruk skali..
lain gile dari ape yg kiotrg plan..
bertukar 100%...adeyh
aku hope xdela yang ada simpan dendam kat kami...
main-main,gurau-gurau sebab nak kenal our junior..
i know this is not the best way to get to know our juniors but it was, you know, FUN...hehehe
hopefully this batch, as well as my batch and the upper batches, will bring lots of positive changes to our faculty and later on to our beloved Malaysia..
to those who think being a doctor is all about money, sit back and think with your eyes and hearts open..
we are here now,in medical faculty, soon, to serve the people not to be a businessmen/women..
sayang malaysia!!!heheh
p/s: untill now aku still rase nak amek vet lagi..huhuhuhu
Saturday, July 4, 2009
next monday, 6th of july 2009, the year 2 medical students will be meeting the freshies..hihi
most of us (year 2 students 09/10) are so excited and thrilled, i can tell..haha
of course la, we are going to meet our junior..adik2 tersayang..
baru tadi, amalina and me went to Wisma Seberkas to buy SOMETHING, WHICH IS SPECIAL, for our junior buddies..
eheh..seriously i've no idea what to buy for him (my jr buddy is a guy..ngee).
i went to 2 shops (dengan malasnye....sigh~) and suddenly my eyes caught a baby care shop..hihih..amalina found this cute little thing..
so, i bought it...
squeeze it....yeahhh!!!!! hahahah.....
sorry buddy..dunno wut to give yaa...
it's PINK...hahahaha...
most of us (year 2 students 09/10) are so excited and thrilled, i can tell..haha
of course la, we are going to meet our junior..adik2 tersayang..
baru tadi, amalina and me went to Wisma Seberkas to buy SOMETHING, WHICH IS SPECIAL, for our junior buddies..
eheh..seriously i've no idea what to buy for him (my jr buddy is a guy..ngee).
i went to 2 shops (dengan malasnye....sigh~) and suddenly my eyes caught a baby care shop..hihih..amalina found this cute little thing..
squeeze it....yeahhh!!!!! hahahah.....
sorry buddy..dunno wut to give yaa...
it's PINK...hahahaha...
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